Sunday, October 30, 2016

Sunday, October 09, 2016
Dear Family,

Well, this week has been great! I turned 65 so now I’m older than Nancy is, again. On Monday, I came into the office and was greeted by an off-key happy birthday by the 3 Elders in the office. I turned and saw that my desk and wall were covered with hearts from Sister Ottesen and, she gave me a big bag of M&M’s and a card. I few minutes later, two more Elders came in with cake and juice. Dad had arranged for all of the elder stuff. Everyone in the office had cake and juice. This I got birthday wishes all day long. It was great. Even on Tuesday, I got a big bottle of coke zero and a giant Twix bar from the Avrora Sisters and Sister Thomas. To go along with all that, I heard from all my kids and tons of good wishes on Facebook. A great way to turn 65

We met our 10 New Elders and 1 new Sister on Wednesday morning. With Visa Trips and Transfers, we had a house full for several days. The New Volunteers are great. I’m really impressed with them. Wendy texted me a few days before they came and told me that the woman she works with, Jill, has a son whose best friend was coming to our mission. (I hope you could follow that). This Elder is Elder Briggs. I told Wendy to tell Jill to tell Jill’s son’s best friends mom and I would take good care of him. Anyway, they told me what Elder Brigg’s favorite candy bar was. I bought the closest thing to it and put a post it note on it saying it was from Taylor. Elder Briggs was very excited about it. His friend Taylor is serving a mission in the Dominican Republic. I was impressed with Elder Briggs because he actually carried on a conversation with President Blinkov in Russian. President Blinkov is our Visa guy and he is also the Branch President of the Avrora Branch.

Another of our new Elders was Elder Tyler Nelson from Brigham City, Utah. His family is in the Brigham City 13th ward and he lives on Maple Dr. close to Gigi and Papa’s house. He said he didn’t know any Phippens; I told him most likely it would be his parents who might know them. I also mentioned Vanderhoof, Jensen and Kennington, but he didn’t know those either. We’ll see if his parents know any of those names.

I’m sending you a picture of the new volunteers being taught to “conteek”. You take a small bite off the ends of a chocolate covered cookie, use it as a straw, suck up milk into it, and eat it.

All of our new volunteers were put up on a hotel for two nights except for Sister Clark. She went with the Avrora sisters and Sister Thomas. Because there were so many elders, the logistics were hard. We not only had to house them but all of their trainers, and the trainer’s former companions. Anyway, we put the volunteers in a hotel and the rest of them in various apartments. This also saved some work for Sister O. She had original planned to make them a Dinner Tuesday night, breakfast Wednesday morning and dinner Wednesday night. She only ended up having to make dinner Wednesday evening. She thought she would have to feed the new volunteers and their trainers and after preparing most of the food she found out it was just the new volunteers. She thought she’d have way too much food but ended up with no casserole left over. The only thing left was some fruit and rolls. I went up early to help get things ready.

Apparently, on Wednesday night some Elders, who should know better, decided to start a small little campfire on the roof. The Apartment where our AP’s and Zone leaders are staying is huge and it’s right next to the Ottesen’s apartment. It opens out onto the roof. A couple of them(not the AP’s or Zone leaders) thought they’d sleep on the roof and then thought about camping out and then decided to have a camp fire. Well there are security cameras everywhere and the next day someone from the apartment complex talked to Sasha (works in the office) about it. When President Ottesen found out, he was ticked and that’s saying something for President O. The Mission could have all been kicked out or Pres. O could have been kicked out for what they pulled and of course, they could have started a real fire. Anyway, the end result is that they are looking for another apartment for the AP’s and Zone leaders. It wasn’t a malicious act just an unthinking one.
I found out this week that we have another senior couple coming in January. They will be doing CES (church education system). They are Elder and Sister Bowlen from Texas.

Last week we had Uvgeny from Moscow upgrading all of our computers and putting in new hard drives. We found out that he was on a mission with Maria, out branch president’s wife. He said she was always excited and involved with everything. He told us that whenever they had an activity they would bring extra Band-Aids for Maria.

Saturday Dad and I walked down to see this wooden plaque on a wall. I’ll send a picture of it. This is what the Internet says about it.
“Legend has it that Alexius, Metropolitan of Moscow, later Patron Saint of Samara, visited the site of the city in 1357 and predicted that a great town would be erected there, and that the town would never be ravaged. The Volga port of Samara appears on Italian maps of the 14th century. Before 1586, the Samara Bend was a pirate nest. Lookouts would spot an oncoming boat and quickly cross to the other side of the peninsula where the pirates would organize an attack. Officially, Samara started with a fortress built in 1586 at the confluence of the Volga and Samara Rivers.[12] This fortress was a frontier post protecting the then easternmost boundaries of Russia from forays of nomads. A local customs office was established in 1600.”


We were going to go watch the Elders play some football. They met a group of guys who play for a Russian football team and I don’t mean soccer. As part of the BEHIND THE WALLS program, they got the okay to play. It is a program that is supposed to integrate our volunteers in to Russian life. One of our deported Volunteers is now teaching a Cross Fit training class. Anyway, we found out today that our Elder Hemrick was taken to the hospital with a concussion. He had a collision with a much taller and bonier Elder Pacheco. He came to dinner to today so is doing much better.

On Friday, we had district meeting and elder Johnston gave the spiritual thought. He chose Alma 59:9
9 And now as Moroni had supposed that there should be men sent to the city of Nephihah, to the assistance of the people to maintain that city, and knowing that it was easier to keep the city from falling into the hands of the Lamanites than to retake it from them, he supposed that they would easily maintain that city.

He gave his take on this and I started thinking that this could be for us today also. That it is easier to maintain staying on the right path rather than fall off and have to work twice as hard to get back to where you were.

The on-service projects that the volunteers have in our area are working once a week at the animal shelter, once a week at a home for invalids and once per week at home where everyone is in a wheelchair. They are working hard to make the lives of the Russian people better.

We watched conference at church today. Dad and I watched the Saturday sessions on Friday and Saturday. Sunday we watched last week’s Sunday sessions. Next week during the third hour we will watch the Women’s conference and the men will watch the Priesthood session. I really enjoyed all of it. I even managed to stay away for everything we watched. Everyone brought food to share. I made a huge ham and cheese pasta salad and 30 banana cupcakes. We took a taxi on the way up and we not only gave him a tip but a cupcake too!!

The AP’s, Johnston and Buchanan and the Zone leaders, Quarnburg and Hemrick came for Sunday dinner. I made hamburgers, pasta salad, and French fries. Of course, we had banana cupcakes for dessert. We did take a picture to send to Elder LaBaron (he was transferred) to show him what he missed.

Well, I’m going to send you some birthday pictures, Plaque pictures, and Volunteer Picture and a little of the fall colors.

Love you all,

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